Wednesday, September 26, 2007

JESENJA ZABAVA (za uz knjigu...)

Jesenja zabava

:) evo i ja da okacim nesto posle 100 godina, a da nije mnogo dosadno.
(to posto sam seo da ucim pa se kao setio)...
elem znad da i vi visite nad knjigom, ili ona nad vama, kako kome,
no dok iscekujete BIG (nije valjda da se niste prijavili?!?!!)
evo jedne teme za debatu... buduce...
tek, mene je nasmejalo.

The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the officiallanguage of the European Union rather than German,which was the other possibility.
As part of the negotiations, the British Governmentconceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in planthat would become known as "Euro-English".
In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c".Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.
The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". Thisshould klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have oneless letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with"f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.
In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spellingkan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.
Governments will enkourage the removal of doubleletters which have always ben a deterent to akuratespeling.
Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should goaway.
By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such asreplasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".
During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd fromvords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vilhav a reil sensi bl riten styl.
Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a unitedurop vil finali kum tru.
Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking Germanlike zey vunted in ze forst plas.
If zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

O diskovima i turnirima

Pošto sam rekao da ce biti ovde nešto o diskovima sa kampa u ponedeljak/utorak, a sada je utorak, ajde da ispoštujem samog sebe.

Diskovi su, kao što rekoh spremni.

Na jednom DVDu ima taman mesta za sve fotke koje smo do sad uspeli da sakupimo, i video svake debate sa kampa, dakle - oba polufinala, finale, i obe tzv. funnz debate.

Kako ovih dana treba da da dodjem do slika koje je napravio Djordje aka Megafrend, i da pregledam jedno 390 TeraBajta slika koje je napravio Darryl, ta lista ipak nije konacna. Zapravo, ideja je da Vi, naši dragi debateri, imate mogućnost da odredite šta želite na disku, kad/ako ustanovimo da je veličina veća od jednog DVDa.

Dakle, ako želite ovu neprocenljivu, neponovljivu memorabiliju da imate u svojoj kolekciji, ostavite komentar, pošaljite mi mejl ili SMS (samo jedno od ta dva je dosta, hvala). Ako ima nešto što ne žellite na DVDu, slobodno naglasite.

Sistem distribucije je jednostavan - ja ću se potruditi da do diskova dodje jedan broj ljudi sa svakog fakulteta, pa se vi posle snadjite sami medjusobno.

To je bilo o diskovima.
O turnirima :

i dalje je u toku registracija za Oxford i za Cambridge.

Detalji za Oxford su na ovom blogu, a evo i zvaničnog sajta -

Link za detalje o Cambridge turniru -

Monday, September 10, 2007

10 reasons 4 success of debaters

A evo sta je nasa draga drugarica Natasa, trenutno u iseljenju u Pitsburgu, videla na fakultetu na majci nekog lika:

Top ten reasons why debaters do it better than others:
1. Debaters have mulitple partners.
2.What other activity includes whip?
3.Debater can do it in any position.
4.Debaters do it with their partners in other continents.
5. Adjudicators give great oral.
6.You are judged by the quality of your extension.
7.Debaters do it better with an audience.
8.Debaters satisfy on the top and on the bottom.
9. There is new position every 7 minutes.
10.We are proud to be masterdebaters.

Natasa, hvala, i nastavi da nam saljes triviu! :)

Posle zabave...

Dragi Svi!!!

Prvo da vam se svima zahvalim sto ste bili na zurci (razmotricemo lekarska i druga opravdanja onih koji nisu). Ja sam se lepo zabavila (bar tokom onih segmenata kojih se secam ;)), a nadam se da ni vama nije bilo lose, i mislim da bi trebalo organizovati ovakva ili slicna okupljanja na svakih par meseci (po mogucstvu kad nije prenos nekog vaznog sportskog dogadjaja i kad nije ispitni rok i kad je vikend). Ako je neko zainteresovan da mi u tome pomogne, bilo bi super da mi se javi.

Vidimo se.

Debatni turnir u okviru Belgrade International Games

Debatni drugari!

Belgrade International Games je manifestacija koja se sada vec tradicionalno organizuje na Fakultetu organizacionih nauka. Rech je o internacionalnom studentskom dogadjaju koji u nekoliko dana obuhvati razlichita sportska takmichenja, a od ove godine i case study takmichenje i debatni turnir. Debatni klub FON-a nema aktivnu ulogu u organizaciji, ali ce se pojaviti kao uchesnik sa svojih nekoliko timova. Buduci da je takmichenje otvoreno za sve domace i strane debatere, ovim putem pomazemo nashim kolegama organizatorima i prosledjujemo poziv svekolikoj zajednici domacih debatera. Istovremeno, ljudi iz organizacije BIG-a ce kontaktirati sudije Otvorene komunikacije, i uputiti im poziv za ucheshce.

- 14-18. oktobar, na FONu i drugde
- BP format, engleski jezik
- novchane nagrade
- deadline za prijave: 15. septembar

Sve o Belgrade International Games (BIG07) na:
Sve o debatnom turniru na BIG-u:
Aplikacije na:

Sunday, September 9, 2007

DVD sa kampa samo sto nije...

Poslednja faza pripreme DVDja koji ce na sebi imati sve sto pozeleti mozete sa kampa na Kopaoniku je u pripremi.

Na sta ce to liciti, proverite evo bash ovde, u ponedeljak/utorak. Tu cete moci procitati i kako doci do tog dragocenog parceta plastike ;)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Svim debaterima zainteresovanim za Sloveniju:

U dogovoru sa Slovencima, molim sve zainteresovane da se DO 20. SEPTEMBRA!!! prijave. Idealno bi bilo da svi apliciramo i za stipendije.

Application form

Scholarship form

Popunjene formulare posaljite na:

Izmene koje su se u medjuvremenu desile su da je TURNIR u Ljubljani, a ne Ormozu, i da ce umesto 100, kostati 45 eura. (cena akademije ostaje 200 eura)

Takodje - posto je trenutno oko 15 ljudi zainteresovano za odlazak, sto na celu akademiju sto samo na turnir - sigurno je da necemo uspeti da pokrijemo troskove samo iz jednog izvora. Dakle, da cujem predloge (osim US ambasade)? Milose i Sule, mislim da cete onda ipak juriti opstinu :)))
Ideja je da kada skupimo sve pare participacija izadje jako malo po osobi.

Javite se sa predlozima i pitanjima.
Pozdrav i vidimo se na zurci!:)


Dodatne informacije potrazite na
ovom linku

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Zurka, posle svih peripetija...

Dragi Svi!!!

Organizovanje zabava je obicno super i ne bi trebalo da bude komplikovano nego je zadovoljstvo, osim sad. Taman smo dogovorili mesto i datum, a onda nas je unistila vremenska prognoza, a onda smo pokusali nekoliko drugih mesta pa su oni prvo mogli, a posle nisu, a onda taj sedmi nije bio zgodan datum iz raznih razloga i tako... Ali to nije bitno jer je konacno sve dogovoreno.

IMAMO ZURKU. Vreme je: Nedelja, 09. 09. 2007. posle 21 h. Mesto je: Marina Sveti Nikola, iza Hotela Jugoslavija, malo pre solitera (splav, ako niste sigurni gde i kako, zovite i pitajte, da ne bude to izgovor sto niste dosli).

Mesto ima prostor i u zatvorenom i na otvorenom, tako da cete moci da birate, mi smo ga vec rezervisali i ne bi trebalo da bude nikog osim nas pilica. Dogovor je da svako placa svoje pice, cene su vrlo pristojne, a koliko se ja secam imali su odlicnu domacu rakiju... radimo na tome da nam je donesu specijalno za ovu priliku.

I naravno, ne zaboravite da dovedete devojaka u izobilju i da se veselo obucete... Muzika ce biti nasa, tako da spremite svoje dancing shoes i vezbajte pred ogledalom (pa da izaberemo disko kralja i kraljicu?), a mozete i da smislite neki pick-up line za svaki slucaj...

Bilo bi bas fenomenalno da se pojavite u OGROMNOM broju, lepi i nasmejani, uprkos potencijalnim obavezama u ponedeljak izjutra (tipa posao, ispiti...), makar na pice-dva, pet. U slucaju odsustva lekarska opravdanja i opravdanja od roditelja dostavite meni...

Vidimo se tamo.


It's funny because it's true! :)

Columnist: Debate Skills Not Always Valuable


Benefits of self-justification and winning at all costs are a matter of debate

Lisa Pryor
August 4, 2007

When reviewing life stages it is easy to wonder, "What on earth was I thinking when I did that?" Falling into this category are such things as feathery haircuts, loser boyfriends and stints with the Chippendale Trotskyist Liberation Collective. For me, the thing I scratch my head over is all the years I spent debating.

Debaters and public speakers are a strange lot. While normal teenagers spend Friday nights roaming parks and setting fire to wheelie bins, these nerds end the week in frigid classrooms, making passionate pleas about terrorism, school uniforms, carrots and sticks. The audiences comprise little more than three parents, a reluctant sibling and a bored adjudicator, waiting for the whole thing to be over so they can get stuck into the supper provided by the host school, which always seems to include caramel slices, triangle sandwiches and orange cordial.

I was reminded of this bizarre subculture when I attended the finals of The Sydney Morning Herald Plain English Speaking award on Monday. This is a big week for the talking sports. Yesterday was the grand final of the Premier's Debating Challenge. The youngsters who make it to the final stages of these competitions are precocious and impressive. But as I think back on my own experience as a debater, I wonder whether these competitions do them any good.

There are a few things about these nerd sports that niggle.

First, debating is a gateway drug. It can lead to more worrying forms of competitive speaking, like mooting and mock trial. Young people might think they have got things under control, but before they know it they might find themselves forging careers as pompous barristers.

Second, debating makes teenagers insufferable arguers. They develop skills that they can then misuse to hoodwink their parents, learning to say things such as, "Well, my failure to get home by curfew might be the topic of this fight we are now having at the front door, but what is the real issue?" Or "Isn't this just a slippery slope, Dad? If you ban me from going to the Slipknot gig this week, what's to stop you banning me from going to church fellowship next week?"

Third, debating warps thinking. The American education and human behaviour writer Alfie Kohn, who describes himself "only half in jest, as a recovering debater", explains this problem in his book No Contest: the Case Against Competition. "I was a big-deal debater in high school, and it took me years to unlearn the toxic messages I learnt from that activity. I learnt that there are exactly two sides to any issue, and that either position can be defended if you are clever enough, that no view is more right than any other, and I developed an adversarial posture. In debate training, you are trained to win, to pummel your opponent, to selectively use evidence to defend a given position. Sure, I acquired good research and speaking skills, but I am not sure it was worth the cost."

Debaters become masters at self-justification. In later life they are capable of taking any conclusion that suits them and arguing backwards to explain why they are right. They can justify anything from taking a job in private equity to cheating on a spouse to refusing to take the garbage out.

I think the greatest strength and the greatest weakness of debating is that it is really the art of bullshitting. Bullshitting is dangerous but it is also one of the most valuable skills in modern life. In spite of its weaknesses, it is a sport worth participating in. It teaches young people powerful Jedi mind tricks and it is then up to them to have the strength of character to use these powers for good rather than evil.

But let's not imagine that talking sports have anything to do with truth and knowledge. To illustrate this point, consider a story of legend in university debating. In a preparation room, a team has just minutes to prepare arguments in support of the proposition "That we should abolish the Senate".

The most brilliant member of the team regales his colleagues with a spirited, nuanced and compelling case for ridding the world of the menace that is the Senate. Before they step out to meet the opposition, he turns to his team mates and asks: "Okay, one last thing. What is the Senate?"

Thumbsucker - Yet Another Debate Movie

There seems to be a real run on debate-related movies. Rocket Science, the upcoming Oprah financed movie about an all Black college debating Harvard starring Denzel Washington, the Resolved movie about breaking the barriers in high school debating, but don't forget Thumbsucker, with big name talent and a debate setting. Like Rocket Science, debate becomes a way to overcome personal difficulties.

As a young person who used debating to overcome stuttering (like in Rocket Science) I find this very interesting.

But Thumbsucker did not necessarily get the attention it deserved.


I had heard great things about this movie for a while, but I only recently got to see it. Before I saw the movie I was worried that it would end up like a certain other movie (Half-Nelson) which got a ton of hype and ended up being mediocre at best. Fortunately, this was not the case. The movie was stellar. It was the perfect little indie flick with a touching story to go with it. The soundtrack mostly consists of two amazing music groups/artists; The Polyphonic Spree and Elliot Smith. It fits perfectly with the movie and sounds incredible even by its self.

All the characters were well cast and interesting. There were even a few big names in the movie; Keanu Reeves and Vince Vaughn to name a few. Keanu's character is Justin's, the main character, orthodontist who Justin has to visit regularly because he sucks his thumb and thus messes up his teeth. Keanu starts off as a hippie and progresses through several schools of thought. Vince Vaughn is Justin's debate coach who buys Justin and the rest of the debate team beer. There is always someone strung-out on something: on drugs, on sex, on love, on school, on life. Throughout the movie Justin has to deal with his thumbsucking (hence the title). He tries several different solutions, but in the end...we'll you'll see for yourself.

This movie absolutely deserves all the praise it has received (including several independent film awards). I highly recommend this movie for just about anyone.

LJUDI, pa ovo je prosto za ne verovati! :))))

The Next Debate Movie - The Great Debaters


With the summer season just about wrapped, the Fall will offer lots of quality and worth-seeing films. Here's the first pic of Denzel Washington in 'The Great Debaters', a film in which he directed and being co-produced by Oprah Winfrey.

Set against the backdrop of the Jim Crow South and inspired by a true story, "The Great Debaters" chronicles the journey of a brilliant but volatile coach (Denzel Washington) who uses the power of words to shape a group of underdog students from a small, modest black college in East Texas into an elite debate team while challenging the social mores of the time, culminating with a groundbreaking invitation to debate Harvard's championship team.

Cast includes Denzel Washington, Denzel Whitaker, Forest Whitaker, Jurnee Smollett, Kimberly Elise, Nate Parker.

This is Washington's second directorial film since he did 'Antwone Fisher' with Derek Luke.

The Weinstein Co. will release 'The Great Debaters' on Dec.25, 2007.