Tuesday, August 21, 2007

da zavrsimo sa evropskim, vishe, bre...

resto tema sa Evropskog:

R5 - "This House would require prescription for the 'morning-after-pill'"

Najbolje runda dana, bez dileme. par bisera :
- We are killing Babies!!!! (uzimanjem pilule)
-Pilula se moze uzeti 3 puta u zivotu, posle toga moze da se umre ako se uzme.
-Pilula je jedini 100% siguran nacin kontracepcije.

R6 - "This House would introduce a time limit on bringing prosecutions for genocide."

R7 - "This House would prosecute parents who take their children to another legal jurisdiction in order to carry out an act which is illegal in their home country."

ESL 1/4 finale: "This House would distribute development aid through religious organizations rather than the state."

EFL* 1/4 finale : "This House would forcibly settle the Roma."
* da napomenem da ne postoji EFL-only brejk, vec ESL brejk i brejk za sve, ali posto voe godine jie bilo ESL timova u glavnom brejku...

ESL 1/2 finale : "This House believes that the state should not fund any fertility treatments.

EFL 1/2 finale : "This House would grant the state the exclusive right to make decisions on behalf of the mentally ill."

ESL finale : "This house would withdraw the right to veto the accession of new members to EU."

Finale : "This house believes that the state should publish deliberate mistruths during times of war."

tolko o tome.

jos slika kasnije.

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